That's very strange. We haven't received similar reports. Can you compare the units, unit order? Perhaps also compare the form file and see if the icon data is included? What happens if you copy a treeview from a new project to your project?
"Can you compare the units, unit order?"
Can you clarify exactly which unit you have added that creates a "dependancy chain" and also which other units it loads?
Most of these units are units we created for our apps. As to clarify, no I can't really. I mean: I can give you the list and names but it wouldn't mean anything to you.
As far as we have tested here, the expand collapse icons are loading correctly. Maybe there is a unit loaded that interferes with the bitmap / image loading process, something possibly related to manipulating or loading image type files? If we haven't got a test project or more information on the loading sequence we cannot "guess" what happens...
I undestrand that without any test project, it's hard for you to find the issue (and I can't give you the code, I'm afraid).
Even weirder: if I reload the PNG resource at runtime (after the form has been initialized), then the image is displayed correctly...
There are some weird external forces that are destroying the loading process. I wonder if planet earth has been invaded by some anti-Delphi aliens :). OK, now seriously: we have added SVG a while ago, but I cannot recall issues during our testing phase. Are you using AdvTypes, FNCTypes or another "Types" related unit? If so, in which order are they added?
I'm afraid we will really need something with which this can be reproduced.
If I open a support ticket, could we arrange for a remote session?
Please understand that our regular support is offered via this forum or via email.
Live support is equivalent to consulting and is offered as a paid service.
Seems fair. I understand
Same problem here and here is a sample code:
unit Unit33;
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, VCL.TMSFNCTypes, VCL.TMSFNCUtils, VCL.TMSFNCGraphics,
VCL.TMSFNCGraphicsTypes, VCL.TMSFNCCustomComponent, VCL.TMSFNCBitmapContainer,
VCL.TMSFNCCustomControl, VCL.TMSFNCTreeViewBase, VCL.TMSFNCTreeViewData,
VCL.TMSFNCCustomTreeView, VCL.TMSFNCTreeView, Vcl.StdCtrls;
TForm33 = class(TForm)
dvtreev: TTMSFNCTreeView;
TMSFNCBitmapContainer1: TTMSFNCBitmapContainer;
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form33: TForm33;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm33.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
pn, n, subn: TTMSFNCTreeViewNode;
pn := dvtreev.AddNode;
pn.Text[0] := 'Node1';
pn.Extended := True;
pn := dvtreev.AddNode;
pn.Text[0] := 'Node2';
pn.Extended := True;
pn := dvtreev.AddNode;
pn.Text[0] := 'Node3';
pn.Extended := True;
pn := dvtreev.AddNode;
pn.Text[0] := 'Node4';
pn.Extended := True;
pn := dvtreev.AddNode;
pn.Text[0] := 'Node5';
pn.Extended := True;
subn.text[0]:='1.1' ;
subn.text[1]:='12.12.2024 12:00' ;
subn.text[2]:='Tester 1' ;
subn.text[0]:='1.2' ;
subn.text[1]:='12.12.2024 12:00' ;
subn.text[2]:='Tester 2' ;
Try by adding AdvTypes to the uses list if you have installed TMS VCL UI Pack, at the end of the uses.
Thank you but doesn;t help.
It appears also on a new VCL project where i drop just a TTMSFNCTreeView on the form.
It has to do perhaps with Delphi 12.1 ?
I have tested now in 11.3 on the same PC with the same version and on 11.3 the problem not exists.
This might have something todo with Skia registring SVG as well. Do you have both TMS VCL UI Pack & TMS FNC UI Pack? What happens if you rebuilt one of the 2?
i have rebuilt and reinstalled
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC UI Pack\TMSFNCUIPackDXE15Group.groupproj but the prblem remains