TMSFNCRibbonToolBar button order


This is probably very easy, but it seems I cannot figure it out.

When I change AutoAlign to True, then the button snap back in the order I created them. My solution was to set it to False, but that has the side effect when change the size of the window, that is messes up the buttons.

Somewhere there is an order of the buttons that I need to change, so that even with the AutoAlign set to True, it will be in the order I want it to be.

Like I said, probably very easy. It is not the tab order. But I cannot seem to find where and what it is.

Please help.


Screenshot 2022-03-26 171756
Screenshot 2022-03-26 171827


When Align is alLeft, the positioning relates to the Left property. Please either use Align property or let the toolbar auto-align the buttons.


Sorry, but that does not help. Because that is not the problem. The alLeft setting for the Align property is for the ToolBar itself. I want to change the order of the buttons inside this toolbar. I can do this by changing it manually, but I want to use the AutoAlign option. Changing the Left property does not have any effect.



I have found a way to not use the AutoAlign property and yet to be able to do what I want it to do. So you can close this question.


Thanks for reporting the issue is solved!