TMSFNCMaps supported leaflet service. Will there be added support tile layer?
Using several components is troublesome so I am waiting with hope for confirmation.
TileLayers are already supported in TTMSFNCLeaflet from TMS FNC Maps.
Please have a look at the online doc for details:
Yes, I know they are handled by a separate component.
My question was different.
Since leaflet display has been added to TTMSFNCMAPS, can we also count on adding TileLayer for leaflet to TTMSFNCMAPS?
I have extensive support on TTMSFNCMAPS and copying the code and maintaining it in two units working in parallel is cumbersome.
The TTMSFNCMaps component only offers functionality that is common across all supported mapping services. However, the TileLayers feature is only supported by a few mapping services. Consequently, TileLayers is available exclusively in derived components like TTMSFNCLeaflet, which contains all Leaflet-specific functionalities.
Currently, there are no plans to integrate service-specific features into TTMSFNCMaps. We believe this could lead to confusion, as these features would stop working when switching between different mapping services.
the answer is at least strange. TTMSFNCMAPS does not support all functionalities now - for example, moving the cursor along a polyline only works for Google maps
adding those that only work for leaflet tilelayer would not be a breakthrough here
How often and at which points in your application do you switch between different mapping services? Understanding your workflow better might help us find a more efficient solution.
It depends on the client. Each of them can pin the window at any time, or unpin it and move it to a separate monitor. Similarly, at any time the client can switch the map service, e.g. from Here to Google and choose there, for example, street view. We do not limit this in any way. In addition, we will soon transfer this functionality to TmsFncLeaflet - but we will probably encounter problems with service consistency again.
Thank you for the clarification.
We will take your suggestion into consideration for a future TMS FNC Maps version.
does this mean there is a chance to add TileLayer support to TMSFNCMAPS with the Leaflet service?
At this time there are no plans to make the TileLayers
feature available outside of TTMSFNCLeaflet
We will investigate the possibility of a workable solution and consider its implementation in a future version of TTMSFNCMaps