TMSFMXGrid XE3 Livebindings - EvalError


I am using an FMX grid that is connected by XE3 livebindings to a DbExpress database, a messagebox with an error often appears:

"EvalError in LinkGridtoDataSource1: List index out of bounds (5) "   (the number in brackets changes)

It may be related to using the Filtering option.  Once the error occurs, no rows are shown, and if you try to reset the grid, the error message keeps repeating  - it doesn't really recover after that.

I found the error can be reproduced sometimes by using the mouse wheel to scroll down data or hitting the refresh on TBindSourceNavigator after a filter.

Is there something I need to do to stop the error occurring?


We haven't experienced any issues with clientdatasets, access databases. So perhaps it must be something with the kind of Database you use. Can you perhaps try a sample with a clientdataset and try to reproduce the issue?

Does the issue occur at runtime? If so, what specific steps did you take to reproduce this issue?
Filtering in combination is not supported currently, so if you are using filtering with LiveBindings that might interfere with the connection to the dataset.

Kind Regards, 
Pieter Scheldeman2012-11-06 10:25:18