TMSFMXGrid "selectedcelllayout" style issue


I've successfully changed all grid font size except for the selected cell/row.
Setting tmsfmxgridstyle / selectedcelllayout.Layout.Font.Size to 16 doesn't seems to works : selected cell is displayed with an 12 sized font.

Am I doing something wrong ?

Ps : I'm running Delphi 10 Seattle Update 1. Stylebook is defined for Windows 10.

Can you by setting TMSFMXGrid1.UseColumns to False?

Hello Pieter,

Focused record font is correctly displayed but I'm losing all my layouts as I'm using TMSFMXGrid.Columns to set background colors.

As a workarround, would it be possible to modify TTMSFMXGridData component by publishing the FDefaultFont ?


You can override all default behavior using the OnGetCellLayout event. There you can force the font for the selected state, even if the appearance is set on column level.

Kind Regards, 

That's a workaround.

Will it not be "better" to change this behaviour. Could we not use the columns Font and FixedFont values instead of a default font ?

We will investigate here to improve this behavior.