TMSAdvGrid and XLS export, max exportable rows

Good morning,

We currently export grids (when the user choose to export in the XLS Format) with the TAdvGridExcelIO component in order to "properly format data" into data formats that excel can manage correctly (dates, numbers, times, durations, etc)..

We've read that the XLS file format has a limit of 65535 exportable rows, but if i specify a file with the xlsx extension, the colcount/rowcount limits are much higher.
Actually, in our "old" development machine (Win8.1 x64, XE6, we develop a win32 application) even specifying a xlsx file extension, the TAdvGridExcelIO component raise a "List index out of bounds (65536)" exception (the machine has Office 2013 installed on it).

Is there a way to export in xlsx format as many rows as needed without a maximum limit?
Should i use the grid.savetoxls() method? What about the data formatting? Is there a way to export the data in the right format so excel can recognize as the right data-type?


TMS Grid Excel Bridge offers to export to the .XLSX file format. It is a bridge between the grid and TMS Flexcel that deals with handling the .XLSX file format.
