Tms Web Core Include sub folder in Release


I have a sub folder in my project (assets) and inside another one (fonts).
----- assets
--------- fonts

It's impossible to include font subfolder in the release contents. Each time I should copy all sub folder in release production.

Is there a trip to do this ?

Thank you

I'm not sure I understand your question.
Either you add the needed files to the TMS WEB Core project and it will deploy these to the output folder or you can manually add any additional files needed for the application in the output folder.

I want as other file retrieve my font subfolder in the release folder.
I have this

in TMSWeb folder
debug Or release folder
Project files
---font (not here and not in Release folder)

I'm sorry but I still do not understand the question.

I have a project with a sub folder assets) and inside there's a subfolder font.
What's the good manip to have this font sub folder inside TmsWeb /Debug and Release folder.
Thank you

All the content you add to the project itself in the IDE, will be deployed to the output folder.
You should be able to drag such folder into the project manager or choose to add such files via the project manager.