TMS logger works with TCP only, or via named pipe also ?
A TmsLogger procedure, as TMSLogger.Info(str), what does before return ?
I mean how heavy (or light) is the job done to post a log ?
I expect it's non blocking, but what happens when have TCP disconnections or timeouts ?
About speed; does it post the log in a MWSR memory queue where a Worker thread read out logs asyncronously and send them to the configured output handler ?
If my applcation works with other TCP connections (ie. Indy) but on different ports, can be interference between them and TCP connection of TMSlog ?
TMS logger works with TCP only, or via named pipe also ?
TMS Logging has several output handlers - text file, Windows event system, Slack/Discord channel, HTML files, etc.. TCP is only one of the output handlers. There are no output hander for named pipes.
It depends on the output handlers used.
It will try to do a direct TCP connection. It's not asynchronous.
About speed; does it post the log in a MWSR memory queue where a Worker thread read out logs asyncronously and send them to the configured output handler ?
Depends on the output handler. That's not the case of the TCP output hander.
Just like any TCP handling with Indy. You can't have two listener to the same port.