TMS (FExcelIO) not support cell format

Can not be read cell format the table with Excel file. In TAdvStringGrid they do not appear cell borders

 FExcelIO := TAdvGridExcelIO.Create(AOwner);
  FExcelIO.Options.ImportCellProperties := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ImportCellFormats    := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportHiddenColumns  := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportRawRTF         := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ImportFormulas       := True;

Sorry, there is currently no built-in support for importing or exporting custom cell borders per cell. This is because TAdvStringGrid itself has no border specific properties per cell.

What do you plan for the next version?

In TAdvStringGrid border control is possible via events OnGetCellBorder/OnGetCellBorderProp. It is not in our immediate plans to change this control in TAdvStringGrid.

ok thanks

and how it will look when printed document?

When you print from TAdvStringGrid, it will look as it appears in TAdvStringGrid.

very bad

Is there any example on using OnGetCellBorder/OnGetCellBorderPro.
I need to put frame around some cells.