TIWImageButton vs TTIWAdvImageButton OnClick event

Setting the TIWImageButton.OnClick event below works fine... when button is clicked, OnClick fires... exact same code, setting TIWAdvImageButton.OnClick event does not fire when clicked.
Works great...
              Cell[iRow,9].Control := TIWImageButton.Create(Self);
              TIWImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).ImageFile.Filename := './files/pdf.jpg';
              TIWImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).OnClick := Self.imageCaseFilePDFClick;
              // These Javascript commands are required so that the screen does not get locked after clicking
              TIWImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).ScriptEvents.Add('return true;');
Doesn't work...
              Cell[iRow,9].Control := TTIWAdvImageButton.Create(Self);
              TTIWAdvImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).Picture := jpgPDF;
              TTIWAdvImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).OnClick := Self.imageCaseFilePDFClick;
              // These Javascript commands are required so that the screen does not get locked after clicking
              TTIWAdvImageButton(Cell[iRow,9].Control).ScriptEvents.Add('return true;');
It's as if the TTIWAdvImageButton.OnClick event is either never set, or it reset to nil.
Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide!
Scott Gast
S2 Software
Texas, USA
Delphi 2010 / Intraweb 10 / TMS Suite Script Edition

There was an issue with using the TIWAdvImageButton's OnClick event in an IWGrid Cell.

I have been able to trace and fix this issue.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack

OK, great!  At least I'm not going crazy :) I look forward to the next release.