
1. i think the TIWHTMLEdit's Margins not working when the Form in LeftToRight:=False;

2. how can i remove the border of the TIWHTMLEdit please?

3. how can i make the TIWHTMLEdit to automatically start writing on the right (text right aligned) please?


  1. is there a limit on how much HTML i can directly put into the TIWHTMLEdit in design time?
    i tried about 18k of HTM and it only showed about 1/4-1/3 of what i wanted.
    however, when i loaded the same HTML from a file (TIWHTMLEdit.Lines.LoadFromFile) it showed everything with no problem.


1. I have not been able to reproduce this issue. Can you please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?

2. Unfortunately removing the border is currently not supported. I've added this to the feature-request list for implementation in a future version.

3. Starting with right aligned text is currently not supported. I'll investigate if this can be added in a future version.

4. I've tested this with a file of 50KB and haven't noticed any issue. This could possibly have something to do with the content of the HTML file. Have you tried using differnt files?

Hi Bart,.

1. the test case is very simple :
i just add a TIWHTMLEdit on the form (with or without a region), and set it's Margins to something big like 100, with Align:=alClient;
in design it looks like it's working, but in runtime, it is stil aligned to the whole client.

4. i tested again with a 3k HTML and still seee only about 1/3 of it.
however, i tested with an HTML contaning hebrew letters, and when testing with a 20k english HTML it was all good.
all the tests i made contained very simple html (<p>, <font>, <br> etc)


Hi Yaron,

1. I haven't noticed any behavior that is different than with default IW controls when using margins. Can you please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?

4. If english text is working as expected this is most likely a special character that is causing problems.
Any chance you could provide an example text that is not working as expected?