TIWADVWEBGRID adding columns

Hi All,

Just learning how to use TIWAdvWebGrid and have problems dynamically adding columns.

I'm trying to make a simple program, allowing me to enter a SQL select as an edit, call an ADO Query, and depending on the result, show rows and columns, in a TIWAdvWebgrid. I know I could use a DB aware grid, but I do not want to.

where rows can be added just by increasing the Rowcount it's a bit more tricky with adding columns.

If I have a q1.fieldcount -1 of 5, how do I create 5 columns dynamicly ?. There are no columns in the grid at start.

I see now some of the text is out of context and do not really make any sense. Sorry for that. What I meant was to say that creating columns in code is easier wit a standard grid where it's a question of setting ColCount.

But please do not notice. My need is how to add columns in code, starting with an empty grid.


Columns can be added programmatically by using Columns.Add.

Thanks. columns.add is what I use. It just gave me some problems in the beginning:

II was using this:

for i := 0 to q1.fieldcount -1 do
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].Name              := 'Col'+i.ToString;
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].Title             := q1.fields[ i ].fieldname;
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].AllowSizing       := false;
    If i = 0 then AWG1.Columns[ i ].ColumnType        := ctLink;
    If i > 0 then AWG1.Columns[ i ].ColumnType        := ctNoWrap;
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].Width             := GetTextLength(q1.fields[ i ].fieldname+'M');

However, all columns ended up with the same properties. Not until I separated the adding from the property setting like below, did it work:

for i := 0 to q1.fieldcount -1 do

for i := 0 to q1.fieldcount -1 do
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].Name              := 'Col'+i.ToString;
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].Title             := q1.fields[ i ].fieldname;
    AWG1.Columns[ i ].AllowSizing       := false;

Strange isn't it.

(NB! Forum issue: writing a text containing [ i ], as in the above columns[ i ], I have to add a space on both sides of the "i" between the brackets. If not, the brackets and the "i" is removed and AWG1.Columns[ i ].AllowSizing := false; becomes  AWG1.Columns.AllowSizing := false;
At least in the Preview Post).

  • I'm not sure what is causing the issue but it might be safer to use a TTIWAdvWebGridColumn object.

      I: Integer;
      c: TTIWAdvWebGridColumn;

      for I := 0 to 3 do
        c := TIWAdvWebGrid1.Columns.Add;
        c.Title := 'title ' + IntToStr(I);

    - To avoid the issue with the square brackets "[]", make sure to uncheck the "Enable BBcodes" checkbox under the Message textarea.
Hi Bart, i'll remember to uncheck the BBCodes option. Thanks.

Another strange forum issue just came up: As you answered my previous post, I received a notofication for your answer by email 5 times. But with your reply to my other topic, I only received 1 email, so it's not a general behavior.