

Version, Delphi XE.

I searched for a solution, no joy.

Setting a TInspectorItem visible to false does hide the item at design-time but, the item appears at runtime.

Not sure what I am doing wrong or missing.




I have retested this here with the latest version v1.8.1.2 but I could not see an issue with this. I'd suggest to retest this with the latest version.

Now using and the same result.

Mode is imMultiPanelActive

The inspector item is a Boolean.

The level is 1.

At runtime the visible property is false but, the item is still visible.

I'm sorry but I can still not reproduce this.
Was tested with below setup.

  object InspectorBar1: TInspectorBar
    Left = 0
    Top = 0
    Width = 180
    Height = 461
    AcceptFiles = False
    AutoAdvance = False
    Align = alLeft
    CheckTrue = 'True'
    CheckFalse = 'False'
    Ellipsis = False
    Flat = False
    HelpPanel.BevelInner = bvLowered
    HelpPanel.BevelOuter = bvNone
    HelpPanel.BevelWidth = 0
    HelpPanel.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    HelpPanel.Font.Color = clWindowText
    HelpPanel.Font.Height = -11
    HelpPanel.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
    HelpPanel.Font.Style = []
    HelpPanel.Height = 0
    HelpPanel.Visible = False
    PanelCaption.ActiveFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    PanelCaption.ActiveFont.Color = clWindowText
    PanelCaption.ActiveFont.Height = -11
    PanelCaption.ActiveFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
    PanelCaption.ActiveFont.Style = []
    PanelCaption.Button = False
    PanelCaption.Color = clBtnFace
    PanelCaption.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    PanelCaption.Font.Color = clWindowText
    PanelCaption.Font.Height = -11
    PanelCaption.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
    PanelCaption.Font.Style = []
    PanelCaption.SideDisplay = False
    PanelCaption.SideWidth = 20
    PanelCaption.OpenClosePosition = ocpLeft
    PanelCaption.OpenCloseGraphic = ocgNone
    PanelCaption.ShadeGrain = 32
    PanelCaption.ShadeType = stNormal
    PanelCaption.VAlignment = vaTop
    Panels = <
        AllowResize = False
        Background = pbSolid
        ButtonDownColor = clSilver
        CaptionWidth = 60
        CaptionColor = clNone
        CaptionFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        CaptionFont.Color = clWindowText
        CaptionFont.Height = -11
        CaptionFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
        CaptionFont.Style = []
        Color = clGray
        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        Font.Color = clWindowText
        Font.Height = -11
        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
        Font.Style = []
        EditBorderColor = clNone
        GradientDirection = gdVertical
        GradientEnd = clSilver
        GradientStart = clWhite
        GradientSteps = 20
        GridLineColor = clGray
        GridLines = True
        HoverCaption = False
        HoverFullWidth = False
        HoverIconColor = clNone
        HoverIconBorderColor = clNone
        HoverIconDownColor = clNone
        HoverIconDownColorTo = clNone
        ImageAlign = iaLeft
        LabelEdit = False
        ModifiedFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        ModifiedFont.Color = clNavy
        ModifiedFont.Height = -11
        ModifiedFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
        ModifiedFont.Style = [fsBold]
        MultiPanelState = mpsClose
        ShortCut = 0
        VariableItemHeight = False
        ItemHeight = 24
        Items = <
            BoolValue = False
            Caption = 'Item 0'
            ColorValue = clBlack
            FontValue.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            FontValue.Color = clWindowText
            FontValue.Height = -11
            FontValue.Name = 'Tahoma'
            FontValue.Style = []
            Height = 48
            Indent = 0
            IntValue = 0
            Level = 0
            Modified = False
            PropertyType = ptInteger
            ReadOnly = False
            ShortCut = 0
            BoolValue = False
            Caption = 'Item 1'
            ColorValue = clBlack
            FontValue.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            FontValue.Color = clWindowText
            FontValue.Height = -11
            FontValue.Name = 'Tahoma'
            FontValue.Style = []
            Height = 48
            Indent = 0
            IntValue = 0
            Level = 0
            Modified = False
            PropertyType = ptInteger
            ReadOnly = False
            ShortCut = 0
            BoolValue = False
            Caption = 'Item 2'
            ColorValue = clBlack
            FontValue.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            FontValue.Color = clWindowText
            FontValue.Height = -11
            FontValue.Name = 'Tahoma'
            FontValue.Style = []
            Height = 48
            Indent = 0
            IntValue = 0
            Level = 0
            Modified = False
            PropertyType = ptBoolean
            ReadOnly = False
            ShortCut = 0
            TextValue = 'False'
            Visible = False
            BoolValue = False
            Caption = 'Item 3'
            ColorValue = clBlack
            FontValue.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            FontValue.Color = clWindowText
            FontValue.Height = -11
            FontValue.Name = 'Tahoma'
            FontValue.Style = []
            Height = 48
            Indent = 0
            IntValue = 0
            Level = 0
            Modified = False
            PropertyType = ptInteger
            ReadOnly = False
            ShortCut = 0
        ShowModified = False
        Style = psProperties
        Tag = 0
        TopItem = 0
        WordWrap = False
        WordWrapCaption = False
        SelectColorTo = clNone
        SelectDownColor = clBlack
        AllowResize = False
        Background = pbSolid
        ButtonDownColor = clSilver
        CaptionWidth = 60
        CaptionColor = clNone
        CaptionFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        CaptionFont.Color = clWindowText
        CaptionFont.Height = -11
        CaptionFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
        CaptionFont.Style = []
        Color = clGray
        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        Font.Color = clWindowText
        Font.Height = -11
        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
        Font.Style = []
        EditBorderColor = clNone
        GradientDirection = gdVertical
        GradientEnd = clSilver
        GradientStart = clWhite
        GradientSteps = 20
        GridLineColor = clGray
        GridLines = False
        HoverCaption = False
        HoverFullWidth = False
        HoverIconColor = clNone
        HoverIconBorderColor = clNone
        HoverIconDownColor = clNone
        HoverIconDownColorTo = clNone
        ImageAlign = iaLeft
        LabelEdit = False
        ModifiedFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
        ModifiedFont.Color = clNavy
        ModifiedFont.Height = -11
        ModifiedFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
        ModifiedFont.Style = [fsBold]
        MultiPanelState = mpsClose
        ShortCut = 0
        VariableItemHeight = False
        ItemHeight = 24
        Items = <>
        ShowModified = False
        Style = psProperties
        Tag = 0
        TopItem = 0
        WordWrap = False
        WordWrapCaption = False
        SelectColorTo = clNone
        SelectDownColor = clBlack
    ShowEditorAlways = False
    TabStop = True
    TabOrder = 0
    TopPanel = 0
    Version = ''
    DefaultGradientDirection = gdVertical
    ExplicitLeft = 344
    ExplicitTop = 232
    ExplicitHeight = 41

Rather than having to keep guessing what your setup is, please provide by email some sample source project with which we can reproduce this issue immediately.

I found the cause. A call to CollapsAll cause the issue.

I sent you an example project.