timeline planner cannot change timeline displayed

Hello, just started using dbplaner.

I have a planner with plTimeline set to horizontal.
the planner shows todays date and the next four days by scrolling to right.

I cannot scroll to the left the timeline will not change its date.

I have tried to set the start date to the beginning of the month but this has not worked.

Nor can i scroll right to the next month.

I tried to use a dateselect  to change the start and end days but it will not change the time line.

What am i not doing?


When Planner.Mode.PlannerType = plTimeLine, the time displayed on the time-axis starts from Planner.Mode.TimeLineStart. The length of the timeline is defined by Planner.Display.DisplayEnd.
If you want to change the timeline start and/or timeline duration, you need to change Planner.Mode.TimeLineStart and/or Planner.Display.DisplayEnd.

Thank you Bruno!