TPlanner in plDay Mode problem

When i put TPlanner in plDay mode, I don't know how to stablish the proper date, according to a TPlannerMonthView  date selection. in order to sincronize both controls.

When in AutoInsert, TPlanner always stablish  Item date to 30/12/1899.
How to change that?

Given that in this mode, there is no fixed relationship between a date and the position in the Planner, there is no date associated by default with the PlannerItem StartTime / EndTime. This is because the Planner can be in multiday, multiresource, combined multiday / multiresource modes. So, the application should be designed to know the mapping between position & date and do the conversion of position (PlannerItem.ItemPos) and date in application code.

thank you Bruno.

My learnign curve is at the beginning using your product.