TFolderDialog 64bit - Violation Error


with Delphi 11.1 I got Violation Error with TFolderDialog at 64 bit, with 32 bit it works.

Can you figure out what is happened?

I tested this here with the latest TMS VCL UI Pack with Delphi 11.1 in a Win64 app but I could not see a problem.
Are you sure you use the latest version?

TFolderDialog Version


I do a video for you to see the error

That is just very strange as with the exact same version, I cannot see any problem here on Win64.
Is this really TMS VCL UI Pack v10.7.7.0?

Thats weird, I deinstall and install again, error is the same, like in my video.

Error still here:

Here, we can't see any problem.
Do you compile somehow with non-default compiler settings?
Did you test this on multiple machines?