
The TWebStringGrid has an onButtonclick, but the TWebDBGrid does not.

I add a button in a TWebDBGrid, and implemented the click in the OnCellClick event. This (kind of works). I can easily display a MessageDlg (as in the demo app).

However, if I create and open a form when on a button is clicked on (and I fastclick multiple times on the button), the form is created duplicate and I get errors as duplicate ID's are being generated

It was an oversight that OnButtonClick did not appear in the object inspector for the classic web form designer. We have exposed it now and the next update will have this.

Hi Bruno,

There is something wrong with the OnDblClickCell event of a TWebDBGrid as well:

"Unknown property: "OnDblClickCell". I can set the event neither in designtime, neither in runtime (v2.7.1.0)

Also see: Request for TCustomGrid.OnDblClickCell event - #4 by brunofierens


Will be fixed in the next release