TDBPlanner - change background colour for one resource on a day

Hello Folks!

I am trying to help a friend using the TDBPlanner to mark certain days for a resource as unavailable. We have used the TDBPlanner.Background property to do this for Saturdays & Sundays. But it spans over all resources on that day.

Is there a way to colour only one columns in day that shows multiple resources per day?

Thanks for a short answer in advance.


Two ways:

  1. Planner.BackgroundColor[col,row]: TColor where you can control the background color per timeslot cell
  2. Event handler Planner.OnPlannerBkgProp , for example:
procedure TForm1.Planner1PlannerBkgProp(Sender: TObject; Index,
  Position: Integer; ABrush: TBrush; APen: TPen);
  if position = 2 then
    abrush.Color := clRed;