TDBAdvGrid ColorPickerDropDown properties not being set - wrong forum but can't move!

I have a TDBAdvGrid which contains a column which is a Colour. I have the GetEditorType set to edColorPickerDropDown but some of the properties that I set are ignored.

I am trying to make the Header and Footer no visible but the code does not work.

procedure TMainForm.dbgClubsGetEditorType(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var AEditor: TEditorType);
  AEditor := edNormal;

  (* set editor type of columns *)
  case ACol of
    3, 4: begin
      (* default colour & text colour *)

      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.ColorSelectionStyle := csColorCube;
//      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.CubePanel.CubeCellColor[1] := clblack;
      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.ColorValueText := cvtHex;

      (* not working *)
      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.DropDownHeight := 300;
      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.DropDownHeader.Visible := False;
      dbgClubs.ColorPickerDropDown.DropDownFooter.Visible := False;

      AEditor := edColorPickerDropDown;

Also I would like to set clBlack as a colour in the ColorCube but I do not know how to access the OnDropDown event of the inplace editor which is where a tip says you can edit the colours.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please put this in the appropriate support group for TMS VCL UI Pack

Apologies as I can't move it. I'm guessing I can't post in the correct forum as our subs have expired?

Posting for technical support requires an active subscription.

Understood, thanks. I'll try and get us a new subscription.