DBAvGrid and EditorType edControlDropDown

I insert such code in the GetEditorType event... but the btn does not appear..
may you help me?

procedure TForm1.DBAdvGrid1GetEditorType(Sender: TObject; ACol,
  ARow: Integer; var AEditor: TEditorType);
   btn : TFooterButton;
 case ACol of
    3 :
      AEditor := edControlDropDown;
      DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.Control := Frame21;
      DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.FocusBorderColor := clFuchsia;
      btn := DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.DropDownFooter.Buttons.Add;
      btn.Caption := 'test';
      btn.Width := 20;
      BTN.Height := 20;
      btn.ModalResult := mrCancel;
      btn.Enabled := true;

It is by design that the dropdown control becomes available when editing effectively starts in the cell. Do you start the editing in the cell?

Sorry Mr Bruno..
I do not understand your reply
My problem (aim) is that i want to add button to the controldropdown at runtime and the code that I post does not work and I do not understand what i wrong.

Please try to move the code:

  DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.Control := Frame21;
      DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.FocusBorderColor := clFuchsia;
      btn := DBAdvGrid1.ControlDropDown.DropDownFooter.Buttons.Add;
      btn.Caption := 'test';
      btn.Width := 20;
      BTN.Height := 20;
      btn.ModalResult := mrCancel;
      btn.Enabled := true;

to the grid.OnGetEditorProp event.

Dear Mr. Bruno
Many Thanks (work)