TDBAdvGrid and TAdvDBFormPanel


I am trying to implement a view into a database table (read only, no updates) by combining DBAdvGrid and AdvDBFormPanel. I am showing some of the fields of each record in the DBGrid and the other fields in the DBFormPanel. When a row is selected in the grid, the corresponding fields are automatically shown in the FormPanel (non-editable). Is this approach correct?

Where I am facing problem is when I add AdvDBFilterDialog to the above combination. I am able to show the filter dialog (when a button is pressed), but when I click the cross button (delete operation) on the filter dialog, I get a runtime error (Access violation in module rtl220.bpl). Another problem (looks like a bug) is that when I set a filter condition and apply the filter, it garbles the first field of the data shown in the FormPanel.

Any suggestions?


We're not aware of such issue in the latest version.
Are you using the latest version? Is your dataset a query or table?