TDBAdvGrid after open directly to a know Row

Settings :
PageMode = False;

Datasource is  connected via TMyQuery with MySQLdatabase

After opening de TMyQuey the data is correcty visible in de TBDAdvGrid
Standard row 1 is focussed

But how can i programmaticly go directly to a certain Row and make this row focussed?
(simmilair as if de user has Clicked that row)

In the connected Query i use Locate() but the TDBAdvGrid will not follow.

Should i skip by the TDBAdvGrid and then sync the Query?
Myquery.Locate('id', Trunc(Grid.CellToReal(2, Arow )), [] ); 

Do you have grid.PageMode = true? When so, it should automatically move to the selected record in the dataset.

I have Pagemode = False because Pagemode = True shows 'empty' cells after Query.Open
Then first i have to scroll up and down to let the Grid fill up the cells.

Pagemode = False is working fine.

Can i programmaticly go directly to a certain Row and make this row focussed
(simmilair as if de user has Clicked that row)
with Pagemode = False?

  1. For the issue with blank rows, try to toggle the setting for grid.DataSetType
    2) When PageMode = false, you can set the selected row with grid.Row: integer property

Thx Bruno, Its working!

Now using:
Pagemode = True;
DataSetType = dtNonSequenced