
Delphi 10.4.2 and VCL Ui Pack
for i := 1 to CheckFileListBox.Count do
CheckFileListBox.Checked[i-1] := True;



Now scroll down using scrollbar slider or PageDn-button (not arrow buttons) > now ”hidden/not visible” items that come to visible are not checked (but they are, error updating the checked status)

Next click scrollbar down arrow > all items are checked as they should. Is this a bug in component TCheckFileListBoxEx or am I doing something in wrong way?

We cannot reproduce this.
Can you verify that at the time you call this loop, CheckFileListBox.Count has the final count of files in the listbox (i.e. that loading of the files is not in progress when your code uses CheckFileListBox.Count)?


CheckFileListBox.Count has all the files. In my case number is 72. (Note that you must have more files in the directory that fits to component window).

I modified my code a little to get also the checked count:

procedure TPalkkiLuetteloForm.ValitseBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);




for i := 1 to CheckFileListBox.Count do

CheckFileListBox.Checked[i-1] := True;

CheckCount := 0;

for i := 1 to CheckFileListBox.Count do

if CheckFileListBox.Checked[i-1] then




When I click the button ValiseBitBtn (check all files) the CheckCount variable has value 72 which is the same as files in directory.

Best Regards

Jukka L

Lähettäjä: Bruno Fierens via TMS Support Center
Lähetetty: 12. heinäkuuta 2021 16:00
Aihe: [TMS Support Center] [VCL/TMS VCL UI Pack] TCheckFileListBoxEx

Bruno Fierens TMS Support
July 12

We cannot reproduce this.
Can you verify that at the time you call this loop, CheckFileListBox.Count has the final count of files in the listbox (i.e. that loading of the files is not in progress when your code uses CheckFileListBox.Count)?

I could not reproduce this. We tested on several machines with folders with hundreds of files.
Can you

  1. test this on multiple machines
  2. isolate this in a new sample source test project and send this when the problem persists


This is strange..

  1. Tested also in my clients machines (they find the "error"),

  2. I made a new sample project and now it is working. Exactly the same code to check the files. Now I don't understand how this is possible.. I have to dig more what is the difference..

Best Regards

Jukka L

Lähettäjä: Bruno Fierens via TMS Support Center
Lähetetty: 12. heinäkuuta 2021 16:47
Aihe: [TMS Support Center] [VCL/TMS VCL UI Pack] TCheckFileListBoxEx



Bruno Fierens TMS Support
July 12


  • | - |

I could not reproduce this. We tested on several machines with folders with hundreds of files.
Can you

  1. test this on multiple machines
  2. isolate this in a new sample source test project and send this when the problem persists


Now I can reproduce it..

  1. Put TAdvPageControl to form

  2. Put TCheckFileList to PageControl

Now you can see the update problem..

Test code included.

Best Regars

Jukka L

Lähettäjä: Bruno Fierens via TMS Support Center
Lähetetty: 12. heinäkuuta 2021 16:47
Aihe: [TMS Support Center] [VCL/TMS VCL UI Pack] TCheckFileListBoxEx



Bruno Fierens TMS Support
July 12


  • | - |

I could not reproduce this. We tested on several machines with folders with hundreds of files.
Can you

  1. test this on multiple machines
  2. isolate this in a new sample source test project and send this when the problem persists

FileForm.dfm (2.03 KB)

CheckFileList.dproj (46.9 KB)

CheckFileList.dpr (235 Bytes)

FileForm.pas (1.47 KB)

(Attachment CheckFileList.res is missing)


Attached project files were rejected from my previous mail. So here they are now ziped.. I hope you get them now..

Now I can reproduce it..

  1. Put TAdvPageControl to form

  2. Put TCheckFileList to PageControl

Now you can see the update problem..

Test code included.

Best Regars

Jukka L

Lähettäjä: Bruno Fierens via TMS Support Center
Lähetetty: 12. heinäkuuta 2021 16:47
Aihe: [TMS Support Center] [VCL/TMS VCL UI Pack] TCheckFileListBoxEx



Bruno Fierens TMS Support
July 12


  • | - |

I could not reproduce this. We tested on several machines with folders with hundreds of files.
Can you

  1. test this on multiple machines
  2. isolate this in a new sample source test project and send this when the problem persists

ProjectFiles.ZIP (24.1 KB)

That enabled us to reproduce this.
We traced & fixed the problem now. The next update will address this.