TadvWebBrowser "Please check edge chromium installation and verify correct version number"


I am using TadvWebBrowser in an application (VCL Forms 32 bit app) to render some webpages inside my Delphi app.

Most customers use the app from a win10 or win11 pc so there is no problem.

From time to time there is the need of running it on a server in which edge is not installed.

In this case I install edge and all works.

By the way I realize that in my company the app works also in a couple of servers in which edge is not installed (likely because the redistributable dll does this job).

Now I have a problem with a customer, an important customer for me, that does not want to install edge on their server and he is complaining a lot.

The error I see at their end is

could not initialize edge chromium! Please check edge chromium installation and verify correct version number.

While usually the error I get if the dll is not shipped is:

Could not initialize Edge Chromium! Please check if WebView2Loader_x86.dll is correctly distributed and accessible.

So it seems that somehow edge is there and there is a conflict with versions.

Could you please help me understanding what does the following error exactly means?

could not initialize edge chromium! Please check edge chrmoium installation and verify correct version number.

Moreover is there a way to avoid the error to appear on screen? Of course in this case I will accept that the TadvWebBrowser won’t work well.

My idea is to add a command line parameter to the app to shut down the message (because the customer is mainly complaining about the error message, they do not use the features for which I implemented TadvWebBrowser in my application).

Thanks a lot.

There are 2 things that need to be done:

  1. Distribute the DLLs
  2. Install the runtime


To make the browser run silent please check this thread

Thanks a lot!
EdgeSilentErrors := True; made the job for me.

Of course it is better not to have errors, but if one really wants them at least I can make them silent.

Thanks for support!

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Thanks for the feedback!