
Good afternoon,

i have a problema with TAdvSysKeyBoardHook and Acrobat Reader DC.

At PC startup i load, in the startup folder, my program that runs iconized with admin privileges.

When a second program runs, and in a specific condition, when the key enter is pressed the first one show some messages.

All works fine, if the condition is not reached the messages are not displayed without pc performance loose.

But i have one problem only with Acrobat Reader DC, when i use this reader all works but if i do a search (at the very, and only, first search) when i press the enter key, i got the

"could not create file map object" window with the message HOOK DDL

Once press ok, all the next time i press the enter key the error message is not show, even if i close Acrobat Reader DC, reopended and do the search again.


Windows 10 Professional updated

Delphi Seattle

TMS component last relase

Acrobat Reader DC 2015.020.20042

Thank's for your help



It is unclear why this happens. Are you sure this message only comes after your app was run with TAdvSysKeyBoardHook active when the enter key is pressed? As this error message can normally only be triggered when the key hooking DLL is loaded, i.e. is not related to a key actually intercepted. This error normally only comes when the DLL fails to allocate process wide memory that holds the information on received keyboard input information.