TAdvStringGrid OnCellValidate Balloons


I am trying to get some ballons to appear in a TAdvStringGrid OnCellValidate event in Embarcadero Builder C++ XE.
In the obejct inspector I have set the Balloon enable property to true. The event code is shown below, but I do not see any balloons when I enter more than 3 characters in the grid. Is there something else I need to do?
void __fastcall TMainForm::Grid2CellValidate(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow,
    UnicodeString &Value, bool &Valid)
 if(Value.Length()>3) {
    Grid2->InvalidEntryTitle="Incorrect Input";
    Grid2->InvalidEntryText="Length must be less than 3";
 else  Valid=true;

Are themes enabled in your app? 
This is a requirement for balloons to work.

Thank you, that was the problem. It now works fine after correctly enabling run time themes.

(I thought I had  already done this, but I forgot to click on the Ok button in the Applications Settings dialog, so when I clicked on Enable run time themes the change was not saved).