
Whether I compile the AdvSpreadGrid demo or use the component in a new project I get the following error:

[DCC Error] E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file "C:\Test\SpreadSheet\Spread1.dfm"

whatever the mainforms dfm file name is

Help ?!?!?

I cannot see such error here.

The demo also doesn't use a DFM file called spread1.dfm
Are you sure this is the right demo you look at? Is this the latest version of the component?
What IDE do you use?

that was my test project.... 

here si the error message from the TMS demo:

[DCC Error] E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file "E:\tms\demos\TAdvSpreadGrid Demo\Uaspg.dfm"

We cannot reproduce this. Is the file uaspg.dfm & uaspg.pas effectively in this folder E:\tms\demos\TAdvSpreadGrid Demo ?