TAdvSmoothPopup: Flicker when calling Popup fct


As said in the subject title, I experience flicker when calling TAdvSmoothPopup.Popup functions.
I've traced into TAdvSmoothPopup.DoPopup, and it clearly happens during the execution of the following lines:

frmC.Width := Round(ir.Width - 1);
frmC.Height := Round(ir.Height - 1);
frmC.Left := Round(ir.X + X);
frmC.Top := Round(ir.Y + Y);


Once frmC is shown, I can see it being resized and moved around the screen.
Wouldn't it be better to call frmC.Show only once size and position have been set ?

frmC.Width := Round(ir.Width - 1);
frmC.Height := Round(ir.Height - 1);
frmC.Left := Round(ir.X + X);
frmC.Top := Round(ir.Y + Y);


Thanks in advance,


PS: I'm using TAdvSmoothPopup v1.1.2.0 on C++ Builder 2010

Well, after a few tests, calling frmC.Show after modifying position and size didn't help (it was worse indeed, as the inner control was not repositionned at all).

Replacing the calls to .Width, .Height, .... by .SetBounds helped a lot, but I still could not understand why .Show needed to be called first...

In the end, I reverted all the modifications to .DoPopup, and played with the animation feature, that I had disabled in the beginning.
After re-enabling it and setting AnimationFactor to 255, everything works fine.

So my problem is solved...