TAdvSmoothListBox issue with HTML in caption

If the list item caption starts with <img> tag, the lookup list is not initialized.
It could be an issue with any HTML in the caption, but I did not test that.
Can this be fixed so lookup works with HTML too?


We have tested this here but are not able to reproduce this.
When we executed the following code on a default TAdvSmoothListBox, the lookup bar shows the letter "T" active:

AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add.Caption := '<img src="MyImage"></img>test';

Please provide a sample / sample code which reproduces this issue

ah ok, I see what I have different. I also use anchor, so try

<img src="MyImage"></img><A href="link">test</A>

so the problem is actually opposite, it ignores the text inside anchor tag


Even with this code we are not able to reproduce this issue

procedure TForm24.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add.Caption := '<img src="MyImage"></img><A href="link">test</A>';

thank you for responses! I was able to narrow it down...

the problem is the space character between the icon and the Caption.
So how this can be solved? If I remove space, the icon is too close to text.
Ignoring white space characters when adding to lookup index would be solution.


Thank you for this information, we've added a trim, when comparing stripped HTML text, which should clear out spaces, and show the T active in the lookup-bar.

Thanks a lot! Your support is excellent.

And sorry for my incorrect assumptions