TAdvScrollBox Set Transparent?


The TAdvScrollBox is advertised as transparent, but I cannot figure out how to make it transparent.

Here is my goal:

I have an TAdvSmoothTabPager with numerous instances of TAdvSmoothTabPage.  On many of these pages I have a TScrollBox aligned to the client.  On the TScrollBox I have multiple input controls, enough to make the page height great enough to cause scrolling to be necessary.  What I want now is a background image to show behind the input controls. I can declare the image in the PageAppearance property (TGDIPFill) of TAdvSmoothTabPage.  But the scroll box is not transparent and so covers the image.

So I am trying to use a TAdvScrollBox but I can't figure out how to either make it transparent or to set a background image as a property.  Is there a way to use the TAdvScrollBox so it will show the image associated with the Page control behind it?  Why is it called transparent on the web site?

Is the only solution to put a TImage on the TAdvScrollBox and align it to client and put the input controls on top of the TImage or are there some ideas for another better solution using the TMSSoftware controls?

I appreciate any help.

Hardee Mahoney
Washington DC