TAdvRichEditor with TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO, disable word wrapping?

Delphi 11 and latest components.

I am using A TAdvRichEditor with TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO.

Basically just using >B< and >BR< codes.

One thing I would like is to NOT word wrap.

So there is always A horizontal scroll bar if needed.

I can't find anything about enable or disable word wrap at all.

Is it in the resulting HTML you don't want wordwrap? Or both in the TAdvRichEditor and HTML output or?

I guess both?

Basically any word wrapping that happens in the TAdvRichEditor, HTML wise or not, would be turned off?

Not sure if that makes since or not.

Problem we have is the design ( out of our hands ) gives us A work area for this control that isn't very big.
We use HTML formatting via TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO, to make it easier to make what we have in there pretty.

But with the word wrapping, it makes the final output look odd to end users.

They would rather just scroll to the right to read rest of it if need be vs the wrapping that happens.

This will require extensions to the component, but TAdvRichEditor and TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO to enable an option to have no wordwrap. We've added this on the list for consideration for a future update.

Thanks. For now what we came up with as a work around was use the THTMLIstBox.
Turned off all the focus / selected stuff, set selection colors if any to background color, and turn on ScrollHorizontal, ect...

It "works" for the most part decently as gives the desired look and feel.

But it would be nice in the end to just have used TAdvRichEditor .

Thanks for looking into it.