Dear support,
I need to create a set of AdvPanel that I put in an AdvPanelGroup.
AdvPanelGroup1: TAdvPanelGroup;
for i := 0 to 10 do
adv:= AdvPanelGroup1.InsertPanel(i);
Adv.Align := altop;
I can see that if I set the property Align to alTop, the scrollbar is not displayed at all. Is there some workaround I could use here?
thanks, Nabil Ghodbane
Not sure why you set Adv.Align = alTop. The purpose of TAdvPanelGroup is that it positions the panels itself and it's not needed to set alignment. TAdvPanelGroup is designed to place the panels under each other (with Align = alNone). When default align is used, I cannot see an issue with scrollbars here.