TAdvOfficeCheckGroup - methods

  • OnCheckBoxClick - never starts. Why?
  • OnGroupCheckClick - always calls. Even if I click on CheckBox

Note, request:
You have already said here several times that this component is handled like RadioGroup.
But that's not true. I would welcome, and certainly with me, other users, if you would write a short help. It doesn't even have to have a front page or content :wink: Just a simple description.

Why your statement is not true:
For CheckGroup they exist and RadioGroup does not have them:

  • CheckGrp.Checked [Index]
  • CheckGrp.ReadOnly [Index]
    For CheckBox.Action there are options:
  1. caControlsDisable
  2. caDisable
  3. caCheckAll
  4. caNone
    What exactly do they do? What do they mean? I can only guess by the name.

There are three ways to find out:

  • by chance
  • attempt - mistake method
  • bloodsweating search
    Neither option is correct.
    Please do not link to any other component. I don't know who it's supposed to be. And if I don't use it, I see no reason to study it!
    If you answer HERE, it will be lost for other users!
    Thank you for your understanding

I revoke this statement

  • caControlsDisable : controls inside the groupbox get enabled/disabled depending on the group checkbox
  • caDisable : the groupbox itself gets enabled/disabled
  • caCheckAll : the group checkbox toggles ALL checkboxes in the groupbox
  • caNone : the group checkbox performs no predefined action, it is expected to be handled from the OnGroupCheckClick event handler