TAdvMultiColumnDropDown issues

Good day,

1. There are painting issues in the header and footer area when changing the size of the dropdown window (DropDownSizeable=true)

2. When scrolling repeatingly up and down with the mouse wheel through the dropdown list a selection is made and the edit field changes without a user selecting an item.


  1. I cannot reproduce this with our AdvMultiColumnDropDown demo
    2) In our demo, I added the code:
      i: integer;
      for i := 0 to 10 do
        AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '1,2,3,4';
        AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := 'A,B,C,D';
    to have more items to have a scrollable dropdown but in this situation, I cannot see any problem with mousewheel scrolling either.
  1. Sorry, when opening a new project I cannot reproduce this either. In another project no matter where or on wich form of the project I try, footer and header are not repainted properly upon resizing. There are no issues with other components.

    2) I just drop the component on the form with standard settings, add a few items like you did. When rapidly scrolling up and down through the drop down list suddenly the text in the edit field changes between 2 strings. Version of AdvMultiColumnDropDown is

Please send a sample source project & detailed steps with which this can be reproduced via email to support.

Please have a look at this demo-video for problem 2):

I asked to send a sample source project.

I did post my last comment before reading your answer, sorry.

Unfortunately there is no code I could send you. Just dropped the component on the form, added one column and four items at design time.

Sorry to bother you but I have no more time to investigate this further for you.
