I used the TMS Advanced DropDown Controls Demo to modify the AdvMultiColumnDropDown as:
procedure TForm316.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
it: TDropDownItem;
// To test
AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.DropDownAutoWidth := true;
AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Columns.Add.Header := 'Column 1';
AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Columns.Add.Header := 'Column 2';
AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Columns.Add.Header := 'Column 3';
it := AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add;
it.Text.Add('Item 1 at column 1');
it.Text.Add('Item 1 at column 2');
it.Text.Add('Item 1 at column 3');
it := AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add;
it.Text.Add('Item 2 at column 1');
it.Text.Add('Item 2 at column 2');
it.Text.Add('Item 2 at column 3');
// }
AdvColorPickerDropDown7.SelectedColor := clWhite;
Shape1.Brush.Color := clWhite;
PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0;
ComboBox1.ItemIndex := 4;
{end code, copied from the example to add columns and items in this website.}
The original columns and items are not displayed but I can't search for the new items and when I start typing
the first characters for the old names (dave..., sawyer...) the complete names display in the editor!
Then, when I click the dropdown button an error 'Grid index out of range' appears which is logical because the cleared names are no longer in the items collection.
When I populate columns and items -for a real application- using a do while not Table.Eof the control behaves the same way: no autosearch in the editor...
Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?