TAdvGlowButtons: How to react to arrow keys?


I have some TAdvGlowButtons on a form (not on toolbar). TabStop is set to True. I need to navigate beetween them using keyboard, for example using arrow keys Up, Down, Left, Right. But when I try to catch KeyDown event using OnKeyDown event of the button or of the form, the event handler is not called. I guess, that these keys are handled internally by TAdvGlowButton, but how can I catch and handle them?

We would need to extend the component to have it capture arrow keys.
At this time, it is not capturing these keys (just like the standard VCL TButton is also not capturing these).
Capturing these might also break using the arrow keys to move to the next control.

Thank you for reply. I need to adjust the software to be handled by keyboard and I am looking for solutions. Probably it will be better to replace a list of TAdvGlowButtons to TAdvStringGrid.