SVG image capabilities


I try to use SVG images with FNC components on the FMX platform.
Attached shape images are not displayed correctly.

What feature in the format is not yet supported and when do you think it could be included in SVG components? (9.2 KB)


We inspected the SVG and noticed there are gradients which are currently not supported. Below is a list of things that are supported:

SVG supported elements:

  • circle
  • clipPath
  • defs (limited to predefined style, no gradients, no paths, only single fill/stroke parameters)
  • ellipse
  • g
  • image (limited to base64 encoded string value)
  • line
  • path
  • pattern (no gradients, no paths, only single fill/stroke parameters)
  • polygon
  • polyline
  • rect
  • style
    Within the style element supported parameters are:
  • fill (no gradients)
  • stroke (no gradients)
  • stroke-width
  • opacity
    Within the primitives (line, polygon, polyline, rect, path) supported parameters are:
  • fill (no gradients)
  • stroke (no gradients)
  • stroke-width
  • transform (scale, rotate, translate, matrix)

Thank you.

Do you plan to include the gradient in the supported SVG features?
A time horizon?


We currently do not have a timeframe. It also depends on the framework possibilities. We have added this on our feature request list and will discuss this Q1 2021