Hi I posted this message Dec 20th 2020 and did not receive any answers.
Hi, I have three questions
1: when using sortindex and column has dateformat in it it still sorts it as text, when using sortging by clicking on fixed column there I can set up grid.columns[aCol].SortFormat:=ssDate, but I can not find how to do it using sortindex
2: when filtering fd:=grid.addfilter ... when I want to filter by etc "waltz" it is working fine, but when it is two words like "ballroom waltz" then it does not find any rows
3: TMSFMXEditBtn.lookup when I enter what I want to see in Displaylist and values I want to save to ValueList, if it contains 2 rows it is working but when I enter more, it gives me random value from ValueList
I would like to add 2 more to my original topic
4: after I change order of rows by dragging some row up or down and exporting it to another grid or file, it exports in original order. How do I change that, so to keep new order?
5. I have 1 grid with about 2500 rows, representing music library, another grid is being filled by clicking on certain condition for example "Waltz". When "Waltz" is selected in my library I do sorting base on this condition and then only selected rows are copied to my second grid. When this is happening for the first time, it is within 1 second, but when I do selection for 2nd ... time it takes up to 10 sec, what can I do to have it in 1 sec?