simple screen recorder for in-app use?

I'm looking at building something that uses the new TTMSFNCCloudAI component and it occurs to me that it could be hepful to be able to record the session using a simple screen recorder built into the app, like what SnagIt, Camtasia, Zoom, and other tools do. Nothing fancy, just the ability to save it to an mp4 file for people who aren't familiar with such tools and don't want to have to track something down. Is there anything available that would work inside of a WEB Core app? Any alternative suggestions that would be easy to recommend and install?

I don't think you'd need something so heavy when recording a chat - ultimately you'd just want to store the exchanges as they happen. But if you did want to have a screen recorder built into your app, this is something that we explored in a blog post.

well, just a way to memorialize the conversation so it can be viewed easily off-line.

TTMSFNCCloudAI returns its responses as text, so you could log these responses in a simple way as text.