Should i use TMSFNCGrid or TMSFNCDataGrid?

We are using a TAdvStringGrid at the moment and consider replacing it with a FNC-Grid.

Now there are two of them: TMSFNCGrid and TMSFNCDataGrid. We are not using any databinding. Instead we populate our Grids ourselfs.

I'm not really sure if the DataGrid is the newest Version of Grids and should be used even without databinding. Or if it is a "extension" to the normal Grid, that works better with DataBinding.

I searched Docs but didn't find a comparison-matrix or something similar.

Can you point mi in the right direction which Grid to use?



TTMSFNCDataGrid is the way forward. Completely redesigned with improved data binding as well as unique features such as master-detail, cell controls, complex multi-column grouping, row & column calculations.

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