Next Generation Data Grid for Delphi & WEB applications BETA

It's here, TMS FNC UI Pack 6.0 brings the first BETA of our next-gen Data Grid which is packed with features designed to revolutionize your cross-platform development experience!

Here’s a list of what you can expect:

  • Master-Detail Views: Easily manage and navigate complex data structures.

  • Control in Cells: Enjoy fine-tuned control and customization directly within your data cells.

  • Database Binding with Filtering & Sorting: Seamlessly connect and manipulate your data for efficient analysis.

  • Advanced Grouping: Complex grouping options combined with filtering and sorting capabilities.

  • Customizable Calculations: Perform column and row calculations with extensive customization.

  • Efficient Memory Management: Optimize performance with smart memory handling.

  • Increased Performance: Enjoy faster load times and smoother interactions

  • Import/Export to Various Formats: Effortlessly move data in and out of your grids with support for HTML, CSV, XLSX, PDF, JSON, and more.

  • Wide Range of In-Place Editor Types: Customize your data entry with a diverse array of built-in and custom in-place editors.

Update TMS FNC UI Pack ( brings the following new additions, improvements and fixes

Version History

  • v0.9.0.0:

    • First beta release
  • v0.9.0.1:

    • Fixed: Access violation while expanding in connection with TTMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter
    • Improved: Added GridColumn & ColumnAtField properties to TTMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter for easier access to grid column properties
  • v0.9.0.2:

    • New: gsmDisjunctCellRange mode to select items like in Windows Explorer (selection types & mode may change in future beta updates)
    • Improved: Ability to mark filter items with TStringList objects in the OnNeedFilterDropDown event (filter items may change in future beta updates)
      • Sample:
        • AValues.AddObject(">= 10", TMSFNCDataGrid1.Filter.CommonDoubleQuotedItem);
      • Filter Item Types:
        1. CommonItem (counts towards global "check all" item)
        2. CommonDoubleQuotedItem (counts towards global "check all" item, double quoted)
        3. UniqueItem (does not count towards global "check all" item)
        4. UniqueDoubleQuotedItem (does not count towards global "check all" item, double quoted)
    • Improved: Removed DataGrid property to avoid circular references in TTMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter
    • Fixed: Issue with mouse wheel scrolling in combination with sub-grid in VCL
    • Fixed: Issue updating sub-grid in VCL
  • v0.9.1.0 : New: Sides property at cell Layout

    • New: Options.URL.AutoDetect (automatically detects HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FILE, WWW, MAILTO as links)
    • New: Options.URL.AutoOpen (automatically opens URLs in the default application)
    • Fixed: Issue with progressbar rendering in VCL
    • Fixed: Issue toggling Booleans property in OnCellCheckChanged event
    • Fixed: Issue handling mouse wheel in detail grid in a master-detail relationship