Settings for new line character when saving TExcelFile to CSV


I'm using TExcelFile; to export a dataset to CSV.

Is there an option to change the new line character of a CSV file? I've looked into the documentation but missed that one.

Thank you

Sadly currently there is no way to change the new line. The new line is defined as :slight_smile:
Environment_NewLine = sLineBreak;

sLineBreak which is defined in System.Pas as:

sLineBreak = {$IFDEF POSIX} _AnsiStr(#10) {$ENDIF}
{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} _AnsiStr(#13#10) {$ENDIF};

I think we could make Environment_NewLine a variable and let you select the value. Would this be a good solution?

Hi Adrian,

We're using the TExcelFile with XData. Where a different requests may need a different linebreaks. Will the variable become a setting for the thread (or better TExcelFile object) that created the TExcelFile?

It shuold be a parameter to Export (like the delimiter), but maybe also a global variable for everything. Thread variables have their own load of issues, so I'd rather avoid them when possible.

Hi Adrian,

That is a great solution.