SelectedCellsCount problem


I have some problems to understand SelectedCellsCount property.

I have a grid with MouseActions.DisjunctCellSelect = True

I've put this line in SelectionChanged event:
myLabel.Caption:= IntToStr(gridData.SelectedCellsCount);

Steps to reproduce (cell A and B are random cells):
1. With CTRL pressed, select with mouse cell A >> SelectedCellsCount = 1 >> OK
2. With CTRL pressed, select with mouse cell B >> SelectedCellsCount = 2 >> OK
3. With CTRL pressed, deselect cell B >> SelectedCellsCount = 2 >> WRONG

It seems that if the cursor still in cell B, the cell is detected as selected also if it's not highlighted.

Am I doing something wrong or there is a bug?

Claudio Basso

Thanks for reporting. We traced & fixed this issue. The next update will address this.