Seen This? TreeView Issues

Setup: Created FM HD application.  Placed the TMSFMXTableView component on the form.  Removed items.

In Code: Changed LayoutMode to lmGroup.  Added categories.  Added items.  Actually, added first category, items under that category, next category, items under next category...etc. Also made sure that categories had lookup text, two alpha characters each.

Problem 1: Bottom lookup link does not navigate to the bottom category.  Nothing happens when clicked.

Problem 2: When scrolling with wheel up from bottom, scrolling stops at the top item like it should, but the category name is hidden at top.

Problem 3: No way to change the font.

Anyone seen problems 1 or 2?  Not sure about 3...

Right, well the topic should read: "Seen This?  TableView Issues".

Apologies to all.