Round of test for AdvRichEdit

we recently pushed our application in production with the AdvRichEditor component.
During our development testing phase we reported many issues on this forum that you promptly fixed.

Howerer we are now getting many reports from our users about strange behaviour when they are working with the component in our application.

There are many issues and they are kinda hard to explain.
May I suggest you do a run of test on this component on your side? "Hello world" tests won't be enough for this I'm affraid. Please use the component for a long time and do many bullets, copy/paste and tabulations. You are bound to end up seeing at least a few of those issues.

Most issues we have seems to happen when using bullets, using tabulations and copy / pasting (copy / paste from the component to another location in the compoment. not to or from an external source).

Some weird behaviour we and up getting is:
- Cursor wrapping from current position in text to the beggining on the file.
- Applying style erasing text
- Applying works but unable to remove it
- Applying style selecting text that was not previously selected
- Selecting bulleted text, copying it --> when you paste the first bullet is missing (seems to happen when you do the selection backward)
- Start writing some text, do a line feed and add a bullet on second line (before writing any text for this line), enter some text and change line. Sometimes you and up stuck in bullet mode and when you disable the bullet on the toolbar and add a new one and type text, the carret will warp to the beginning of the file and be written at the beginning.

These are only a few examples and I think most of those issues are related to a problem with bullets.

Your cooperation would be appreciated as always.


The number of possible interactions, sequences of events with a richeditor are countless, so, having 100% coverage in testing is hard to do.
We'll do some further retesting & investigations based on your findings listed.

we tested the rich edit component with the component packk version.
Many issues still exist. I focussed on those relating to bullets and created a step by step guide to reproduce many of the annoying bugs if that can help you fix them.

Some of those might seem as if I am trolling but I assure you we got those issues were reported from our production environment and it would be important to fix them (except the last one but I found it too funny not to include it).

Here goes:

AdvRichEditor with tollbar for bullets
WantsTab to true (required for some examples)

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press bullet button
Soemthing weird will happen

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press backspace to erase the third bullet
    * Notice that the bullet button is still highlighted (meaning the parser still considers we are in bullet mode?)
Press bullet button
Somemthing weird will happen (same thing as first example)
Now slowly spam the bullet button and notice that sometime you need to click the button more than once for something to happen

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Type 'ddd'
Select the text starting from the end of 'ddd' to the end of 'ccc' (so that 'ddd' is highlighted)
Hit backspace to erase it (carret should be at the end of 'ccc' now)
Press the bullet button
Notice that the bullets for 'aaa' and 'bbb' are removed but the 'ccc' bullet is still there

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Click the right indent button
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Indent is lost

Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press tab
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Type 'ddd'
Press enter
Press  tab
Type 'eee'
Press enter
Type 'eee'
Try selecting the whole text with your mouse
Have fun!

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press the bullet button
Bullets for 'aaa' and 'bbb' will go away but the 'ccc' one will still be there wven though that was the one I wanted to remove
Now if you click the bullet button nothing will happen (if you spam but button something will eventually happen)

* Following example use numbered bullets and not normal bullets (might get same issue with normal bullets but not sure)
Press the numbered bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press backspace to erase third bullet
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
The 'ccc' text will get tabbed to fit with second bullet and we end up with bullet number 3
Press the numbered bullet button
Press the numbered bullet button again
Type 'ddd'
Bye bye bullet

Press the numbered bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Press the numbered bullet button
Press the numbered bullet button again
Press down arrow so that carret in on second line
Press numbered bullet button again
Numbered bullet will start at '1' but will be on same paragraph at the previous bullet group

* Saved my favourite one for the end!
This one is easier to reproduce with numbered bullets so use those
Press bullet button
Type 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' (easier to see the issue with long line of text)
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Press bullet button
Press the bullet button again
Press down arrow so that carret in on second line
Press bullet button
Type 'ddd'
Press enter
Press bullet button
Press bullet button again
Type 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
Notice that the text is being written over! the text of the first line (i didn't even knew that was technically possible to do that!)
But wait we're not done yet!
Select the whole text (the text being written over will show as 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
Copy this text and paste it in notepad
The pasted text is different!


I have to agree that there are so many issues with this component that unfortunately in its current state make it unusable for any serious application.

We'll plan revisioning this next week.

We have investigated this and applied several improvements that will address this. Next update will have these improvements.

I installed TMS Composnant Pack

I see a few
improvements but there a still a few issues that I listed that are
either not fixed or changed to another weird behavior.

Red is what I posted earlier.
Blue is what still doesn't work or change in behavior.

Thank you

Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press backspace to erase the third bullet
    * Notice that the bullet button is still highlighted (meaning the parser still considers we are in bullet mode?)
Press bullet button
Somemthing weird will happen (same thing as first example) Now nothing happens if you click or spam the bullet button
Now slowly spam the bullet button and notice that sometime you need to click the button more than once for something to happen


Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Type 'ddd'
Select the text starting from the end of 'ddd' to the end of 'ccc' (so that 'ddd' is highlighted)
Hit backspace to erase it (carret should be at the end of 'ccc' now)
Press the bullet button When you spam bullet button the 'ccc' text will be be on a new line every time for each bullet add/remove cycle
Notice that the bullets for 'aaa' and 'bbb' are removed but the 'ccc' bullet is still there


Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Click the right indent button
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Indent is lost

This one is not fixed (same problem as before)


Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Press tab
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Type 'ddd'
Press enter
Press  tab
Type 'eee'
Press enter
Type 'eee'
Try selecting the whole text with your mouse
Have fun!

This one is not fixed (same problem as before)


Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press the bullet button
Bullets for 'aaa' and 'bbb' will go away but the 'ccc' one will still be there wven though that was the one I wanted to remove
Now if you click the bullet button nothing will happen (if you spam but button something will eventually happen)

This one is semi fixed. Now if you spam bullet button the 'ccc' text will go to a new line on each bullet add/remove cycle

Further improvements were applied. All issues are fixed. About the indent on bullet, bullets at the same level have by design the same indent.

about the bullet indent, I am not sure we understand each other.
As I understand from your answer, the component does not allow you to achieve something like this? (see below)

If you can, would you mind explaining me how because since indent is lost when you press enter I do not understand how to do it.

  • aaa
  • bbb
    • ccc
  • ddd
  • eee
    • fff
      • ggg
    • hhh
    • iii
  • jjj

Looks like bullets are lost when you post something on forum, I will try sending an image as soon as possible instead.

Here is the example.
(* = bullet and had to use spaces to indent the example since bullets are lost when I post something).

* aaa
* bbb
      * ccc
* ddd
      * eee
      * fff


could you please confirm if it is possible to achieve this with the component or not (multiple levels of bullets)? If it is possible, I do not understant how since indentation is lost when you press enter (please explain me how if it's possible). It seems basic but I can't manage to get it done.

* aaa
* bbb
      * ccc
* ddd
      * eee
      * fff


We applied a fix for this so this will also be possible with the next update.

still some remaining issues with the component using Component Pack

First, about the new bullet style selector:
With this new version the button to add bulletws is gone and was replaced by a dropdown. The way it works in the AdvRichEditorFormatButtonBar component is not very user friendly. Having to use the dropdown everytime you need to add a bullet is awkward (other softwares do not work like this). Would it be possible to have is work like the ribbon tollbar AdvRichEditorParagraphRibbonToolBar (button with an integrated dropdown)?



Press tab
Select all
Access violation


Type 'aaa'
Press enter
Type 'bbb'
Press enter
Type 'ccc'
Press enter
Select all
Add a bullet
'bbb' and 'ccc' will on different indentation than 'aaa'


With no text at all, the alignment and indend buttons do not work (nothing happens)


Press the bullet button
Type 'aaa'
Press the right align button
Weird behavior
Also, having bullets on centered or right aligned text seems impossible


Type 'aaa'
Press the right indent button
Press the bullet button
Indent is lost
Press enter
Indent is regained for other bullets


There are still a few more issues but I am not able to reproduce then on demand. I will post again if I find a way to replicate more issues.


We are working on this but the remark about the bullet selector confuses me. We haven't changed the bullet selector in this latest version and it is also the same version that is used between the toolbar & the ribbon. It's unclear what exactly you see different.

Please ignore my previous comment about the bullet selector.

When I tested the new version yesterday right after a fresh install of the component pack, the bullet selector became a simple combobox.
I checked again today and it was back to normal. (button with build it combobox)

No idea what happened but it's fine now!