Replace the hashing algorithm with something better fit for purpose (which atm I think it is not) or
Disable the automatic hashing and do that myself.
Which is the easier route? I have seen a comment in the code that atm the default password hasher cannot be replaced but I haven't really looked closely yet but it's made this question worth asking.
I gave that piece of code a better look and I think that static override is actually an option here and one that should be fairly easy to do. Can you please confirm that static overriding will work?
Hi, no, I didn't notice that at all.
This is a greenfield and I really only want better hashing because that's the more likely thing to get me in trouble if bad actors find a way in that they're not authorised to.
I may want at some point to plug my own stuff in other areas as well but I don't see that happening any time soon.
The other thing I have a slight problem with is the minimum password requirements but, again, this is not something that I am going to look at immediately, as it were.
The hashing, coupled with the restrictions, makes the use of rainbow tables way too easy and fast. I have thus developed mangling algorithms that I use to pre-process the paswords to make them slightly more impervious, combined with a clever use of HMACs and hashing. This is why I need to replace the one present which is too simple to precalculate.