RangeCheckError in VCL.TMSFNCTreeViewBase


In some cases, I have a range check error occuring during form creation in the VCL.TMSFNCTreeViewBase.pas unit if the form contains a TTMSFNCTreeView component.

The problematic code is TTMSFNCTreeViewBase.UpdateScrollBars, around line 1410:

      vs.PageSize := Round(Max(0, Min(h, ch)));
      vs.Max := Round(Max(vs.PageSize, h));
      vs.SmallChange := Round(DefaultRowHeight);
      vs.LargeChange := vs.PageSize; // <- blows up here if vs.PageSize = 0
      vs.Position := Min(vs.Position, vs.Max);

The problem occures when "Round(Max(0, Min(h, ch)))" returns 0.
I have fixed the code this way in my source:

      vs.PageSize := Round(Max(0, Min(h, ch)));
      vs.Max := Round(Max(vs.PageSize, h));
      vs.SmallChange := Round(DefaultRowHeight);
      vs.LargeChange := max(1,vs.PageSize);
      vs.Position := Min(vs.Position, vs.Max);

I'm not 100% sure it makes sense this way or if I should change Round(Max(0, Min(h, ch))) to Round(Max(1, Min(h, ch))) but it stops the range check error anyway.

Could you please integrate the fix into the main code (or, if that is the symptom of somethoing else, fix it)?

This does not alway occures but I had hi happen to me when dropping a second TTMSFNCTreeView  on a form (inside a new, blank TabSheet page) and running the application without any additional change.

It's unclear why setting PageSize to 0 would throw a range exception. We'll investigate here.

It's not PageSize it's SmallChange and LargeChange: they are defined as TScrollBarInc (from VCL.Forms) and that is defined as :

TScrollBarInc = 1..32767;


We added the fix suggestion to our source code, the next version will address this.

Thanks :)