But the same HTML code in a TMS WEB CORE project works in an abnormal state, e.t. the background is white, the icon 3 does not work(no response when click), and the small icon is always shown like this:
It seems like some script and CSS does not work, but there is no error message in console. It works fine when I put the same code into the project.html, also works fine in a local HTML file, this problem is only in a HTML assigned to a form.
I put the JavaScript reference into the project.html, like this:
This will not work this way.
The reason is that it is the form instance that is responsible for loading the HTML file into the body of the DOM and thereby, it needs to activate script blocks in the loaded HTML (otherwise the browser will simply treat the script blocks as text. This loading process as such causes that this is rendered out of order compared to the browser directly loading the HTML itself.