Problem printing from TAdvListView


We are using TAdvListView in Delphi XE (TMS d2011 pack).
I have a problem with the TAdvListView.Print method.  The list view we're having a problem with has 4 columns, and in the example I'm testing with we only have about 40 rows.  When the user prints, the first two pages of the report show the title and the first column, then the footer details.  Then after than it produces a lot of pages which are empty except for the headers and footers.  The 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns don't appear at all, and the pages just keep getting churned out until we stop the print job.
Has anyone come across this before?  It's probably something to do with one of the TAdvListVeiw.PrintSettings.  But I'm not looking forward to testing a change to each one individually, given the amount of paper this is going to waste.
Any ideas?