Printing and/or Share Sheet on Android/iOS


Another question if I may?

I'm starting to look into the best way of doing this but thought I would post the question here first.

Is a TTMSFMXGrid the best control to use for printing/exporting?

And finally, is there an example of doing this available.




If you want to print a grid, then you can use the TTMSFMXGrid for printing in combination with the TTMSFMXGridPDFCreatorIO. Afterwards you could print the PDF on iOS and Android.

Kind Regards, 


I see that I can do this in iCL very easily using a TTMSFMXNativeUIDocumentInteractionController but what about Android? As a matter of interest are you guys considering the equivalent of iCL for Android?


For Android, we currently do not have a set of native controls. A similar component would be built on top of the storage access framework (http://, but we would need to investigate the possibilities and see if there aren't any technical limitations.

Kind Regards, 

Thanks. Beyond my capabilties i'm afraid :(